Sporting Club Participation

North Kolkata Runners

Raised: 0 Goal: 1,00,000

About Us

At LittleBigHelp India Trust, we address the unique challenges underprivileged women face in their personal lives, striving for a society where every woman lives with dignity, free from discrimination and violence.


Women in urban slums confront systemic barriers, including societal norms that prioritize family over career and cultures that undervalue their contributions. Gender-based violence is a critical issue, with one in three women experiencing violence in their lifetime.

At LittleBigHelp, we take a holistic approach to women’s empowerment, offering technical training in skills like tailoring, healthcare, and beautician services, while educating women on their rights and entitlements. Our mission is to provide women with the tools to make informed choices, improve their health, and access economic opportunities.


We emphasize the Six “S” for Women’s Empowerment:


Shiksha (Education): Equipping women with knowledge and skills.


Swasthya (Health): Promoting physical and mental well-being.


Swavlamban (Self-Reliance): Fostering economic independence.


Samajik Nyay (Social Justice): Ensuring fairness and opportunities.


Samvedan (Sensitivity): Raising awareness of women’s issues.


Samta (Equality): Striving for equal rights.



We aim to create a society where the underprivileged women living the urban slums can live a life of dignity and become self-reliant through skills development training and awareness programs. Therefore we are looking forward to raise an amount of Rs. 6 lacs through the platform of Tata Steel Kolkata marathon 2024.

Together, we can create a future where women are respected, valued, and empowered to drive transformative change.

Our Appeal

At LittleBigHelp India Trust, we address the unique challenges underprivileged women face in their personal lives, striving for a society where every woman lives with dignity, free from discrimination and violence.


Women in urban slums confront systemic barriers, including societal norms that prioritize family over career and cultures that undervalue their contributions. Gender-based violence is a critical issue, with one in three women experiencing violence in their lifetime.

At LittleBigHelp, we take a holistic approach to women’s empowerment, offering technical training in skills like tailoring, healthcare, and beautician services, while educating women on their rights and entitlements. Our mission is to provide women with the tools to make informed choices, improve their health, and access economic opportunities.


We emphasize the Six “S” for Women’s Empowerment:


Shiksha (Education): Equipping women with knowledge and skills.


Swasthya (Health): Promoting physical and mental well-being.


Swavlamban (Self-Reliance): Fostering economic independence.


Samajik Nyay (Social Justice): Ensuring fairness and opportunities.


Samvedan (Sensitivity): Raising awareness of women’s issues.


Samta (Equality): Striving for equal rights.



We aim to create a society where the underprivileged women living the urban slums can live a life of dignity and become self-reliant through skills development training and awareness programs. Therefore we are looking forward to raise an amount of Rs. 6 lacs through the platform of Tata Steel Kolkata marathon 2024.

Together, we can create a future where women are respected, valued, and empowered to drive transformative change.

Raising Funds For:

LittleBigHelp India Trust
LittleBigHelp India Trust is dedicated to transforming the lives of vulnerable children and families in West Bengal, India. Our aim is to protect and promote the fundamental rights of children—especially the right to education and protection—while empowering women and youth through life-changing...

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