NGO Participation


Raised: 0 Goal: 50,00,000

About Us

The South 24 PG Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (SNP+) is a community-based organization by, for and of the people living with HIV and AIDS. It is a platform of the PLHIV (people living with HIV and AIDS) from where they can fight for their rights and against all discrimination. We have been serving the community for the past 17 years and our logo helps to symbolize that we are persistently working to ignite the flame of awareness, rights, equality and fraternity in the human hearts. The network was formed on 21st November of year 2004 and was registered in 2005 under the Societies Registration Act. It was formed with Seven PLHIVs of South 24 Parganas. Five Sub-Divisional Level Networks were also formed on 2010.We tied up with WBSAP&CS AND NACO,CINI, NCPI+, SAATHII, AAWAZ for nutritional support since 2006, Rotary International for Non-formal Education in the year 2015-2016, WBWDU Vocational Training for underprivileged women year 2017-18, CINI (2017 to 2019) for the treatment, prevention and protection of Tuberculosis patients. The organization also works in collaboration with other organizations working on cross-cutting issues like – disability, trafficked victims, and also with the various high risk groups.

It was formed to create a stigma & discrimination free society and for betterment of the quality of life for PLHIV and other marginalized & vulnerable population of society. Later we realized that women & children are very much marginalized in our society. So our future plan includes empowerment women & overall development of children. Our AIM is to improve the socio-economic condition of PLHIV and other marginalized & vulnerable population in society. To strives for empowerment, emancipation & implementation of economic, social, political & legal rights of people living with HIV/AIDS, TB and other marginalized & vulnerable population in society. Our ultimate goal is to create a stigma & discrimination free society for all PLHIVs by the year 2025.So that all PLHIVs can live a normal & healthy life free of any discrimination.

Our Appeal

South 24 PG Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (SNP+), is seek to establish a Rehabilitation Centre for the women and Adolescent group who are infected and affected with HIV. During working with the several HIV prevention activities, we experienced that there are many cases who are mainly women are suffering with the low poverty conditions. Here, we are talking about the women who are infected as well as affected. In addition to that, the adolescent group who are also infected as well as affected, bring the same scenario which lead high risk behavior. Hence, the prevention programs are facing still a dark corner which insisting day by day to form gap in the prevention and awareness activities. Behind this, the only reason is low income or unemployment status of these mentioned group as well as their families.

In this connection, SNP+ would like to generate a strategy to build their capacities by providing the opportunities of earning. Related to this, we are very much concern about that Rehabilitation Centre, which can mark this desire true. The organization has already coordination with many stakeholders which can provide an endless support for bringing hope of light to these communities. But, to make this such kind of thoughts, SNP+ requests for an abundant support to build the main pillar of this approach, ‘A safe place’, where these communities will stay for a selected period for upbringing them with the support of vocational skills and minimum educational skills and then in future who can establish themselves by their own without any support of others. In addition to that, SNP+ has a designated own area but requirements is to build a part like building where this planning can be implement smoothly and safely.

Contact Details

Website Details
  • Website Link: WWW.SNPPLUS.ORG
  • Facebook Link:
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