This is to introduce myself Mr. Subrata Barman, Director of Robinstar Social Ventures (hereinafter mentioned as RSV), a firm that involves in social work activities, incorporated in the year 2022. The main objectives of this firm are to carry out social based projects in and around Kolkata as well as in the districts of west Bengal with the partnership of local organizations. Currently we are present in Kolkata, run “Shikhankan” project that aims “To Proactive the Children and Young Adults through Art”, in collaboration with Uzagar CMNS Foundation. The project “OL-Chiki” in collaboration with the organization UTSA provides the basic education to the Santhal children at primary level at Shikardi village, Manbazar Block, Dist.-Purulia, W.B. The project “Dinobondhu” supports to the needy through relief distribution and “Dhrubotara” helps to the PWD (Persons with Disabilities) and CWSN (Child with Special Needs). “Bonku -Babu”– the volunteer group that enriches RSV with their time and expertise. Our few more projects are “Satyaki”, “Bichitrabhanu”, “Janhabi- Suto”, “Harbola”, “Monbitan”, “Birbol” and “Bango Bhandar Mritikka”.
I want to raise funds for children of Santhals, a tribe that lives in the forests of Purulia and bordering Jharkhand and Odisha. The tribal people are underprivileged who are stricken with poverty and lack of basic facilities. The children do not have access to basic education facilities which would further keep these families forever in the vicious cycle of poverty. We want to provide basic education to these children who can become independent and self reliant and would empower them with education to bring their families out of poverty.